+919403891123 https://www.2323designs.in/s/63ed88d7f178a4fdfd5110f6/6409ccb298e1aab22d71be38/logo-final-color-480x480.jpg" [email protected]
652a740d899471e0503cacd7 Tavasyam - Orgaic Green Pre Filled Tea Cups - Kahwa https://www.2323designs.in/s/63ed88d7f178a4fdfd5110f6/652cf15480d594886358d77d/01-kahwa-front.png

Tavasyam Kahwa Ginger Organic Green Tea Cups are the epitome of convenience, purity, and innovation. These tea cups offer a simple, innovative and affordable solution for your daily needs. Indulge in the goodness of organic kahwa green tea, anytime, anywhere!

How to Use:

These mess-free cups feature a special no-drip infusion layer, ensuring a hassle-free experience. These pre-filled paper cups are non-wax coated for a healthier you and bio-degradable for a healthier planet.

Health Benefits:

Boost your well-being with the health benefits of green tea, packed with polyphenol antioxidants, metabolism support, and heart and brain health. Unveil the extraordinary health benefits of Kahwa, a traditional blend of green tea infused with a captivating combination of spices. This invigorating blend includes basil (tulsi), ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, clove, and licorice (mulethi). Each spice offers its unique benefits. Basil (Tulsi) is known for its potential to support immunity, digestion, and skin health. Ginger aids in digestion, alleviating digestive discomfort and promoting overall well-being. Black pepper contains antioxidants and may enhance metabolism and digestive function. Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels and adds a delightful warmth to the blend. Cardamom is known for its digestive properties and adds a pleasant aroma to the tea. Clove is packed with antioxidants and may support oral health and digestion. Licorice (Mulethi) soothes the throat and offers potential respiratory and digestive benefits. Indulge in the harmonious blend of this Kahwa Green Tea, crafted with the finest ingredients to complement a healthy lifestyle. Just add hot water and swirl!

in stock INR 399
1 1

Tavasyam Kahwa Ginger Organic Green Tea Cups are the epitome of convenience, purity, and innovation. These tea cups offer a simple, innovative and affordable solution for your daily needs. Indulge in the goodness of organic kahwa green tea, anytime, anywhere!

How to Use:

These mess-free cups feature a special no-drip infusion layer, ensuring a hassle-free experience. These pre-filled paper cups are non-wax coated for a healthier you and bio-degradable for a healthier planet.

Health Benefits:

Boost your well-being with the health benefits of green tea, packed with polyphenol antioxidants, metabolism support, and heart and brain health. Unveil the extraordinary health benefits of Kahwa, a traditional blend of green tea infused with a captivating combination of spices. This invigorating blend includes basil (tulsi), ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, cardamom, clove, and licorice (mulethi). Each spice offers its unique benefits. Basil (Tulsi) is known for its potential to support immunity, digestion, and skin health. Ginger aids in digestion, alleviating digestive discomfort and promoting overall well-being. Black pepper contains antioxidants and may enhance metabolism and digestive function. Cinnamon helps regulate blood sugar levels and adds a delightful warmth to the blend. Cardamom is known for its digestive properties and adds a pleasant aroma to the tea. Clove is packed with antioxidants and may support oral health and digestion. Licorice (Mulethi) soothes the throat and offers potential respiratory and digestive benefits. Indulge in the harmonious blend of this Kahwa Green Tea, crafted with the finest ingredients to complement a healthy lifestyle. Just add hot water and swirl!

Number of units if this is a package/bundle: 1
Measure of commodity in pkg: 12 cups (20.4gms)
Month & Year of Manufacturing: Dec-22
brand: Tavasyam

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